La frontera

The Borderline
Animation | Mexico | 2022 | 8 min | No Dialogue


La Frontera began as a technical and narrative exercise: everything had to be simple. On this basis, reflections on the human condition and especially migration appeared naturally. After speaking with people close to the subject, what remains to be said is also simple: we walk the same route with a single real border, which we will all have to cross eventually.


Born in Celaya, Mexico; he has been dedicated to visual arts since 2009. In 2016 he made Tauromaquia, his first animated short film. Since then he has worked on various animated projects that include short and feature films, music videos, etc. In 2020 he graduated from the Master in Character Animation Animation Filmmaking by Gobelins l’ Ecole de l’ Image thanks to the ANIMEXICO scholarship.

Ver funciones

World Premiere

Director - Directors
Christian Arredondo Narváez
Guión - Screenplay
Cristian Arredondo Narváez
Productor - Producer
María Isabel Figueroa Merino
Música - Music:
Enrique Díez
Sonido - Sound:
José Miguel Enríquez
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Christian Arredondo Narváez
Edición - Editor:
Diego Acevedo
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Intérpretes - Cast
Diego Acevedo, Rodrigo Martínez, Sarah Páramo, Rodrigo Miguel Aka Numecaniq, Paulina Gutiérrez, Adrian Trujeque
Contacto - Contact
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (Imcine) -
María Isabel Figueroa Merino -