
Fiction | Spain | 2023 | 18 min | Spanish


After her parents separated, Berta (7) goes with her mother and sister to spend a few summer days at her grandmother's country house. During nap time, while the adults sleep, her cousin, Jorge (15), offers to teach her how to ride a bike. The adolescent is attentive and careful with her, until the atmosphere becomes rare.


With a scholarship from la Caixa, Carmen Jiménez is a screenwriter and director trained at Columbia University. As a screenwriter, her work stands out in the series, La Mesías, created by Los Javis, and La Red Púrpura, directed by Paco Cabezas, as well as in the film, Adiós. She regularly collaborates with Félix Viscarret, Carlos Marques-Marcet, and Benito Zambrano in film and television projects.

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International Premiere

Director - Directors
Carmen Jiménez
Guión - Screenplay
Carmen Jiménez
Productor - Producer
Eduardo Pérez de Guzmán, B. Muñoz
Música - Music:
Sonido - Sound:
Juan Cantón
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Gris Jordana, Carolina Maltese
Edición - Editor:
Maia De Zan Match, Carmen Jiménez
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Intérpretes - Cast
Alicia Hidalgo
Contacto - Contact
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