Canción que quema

Song that Burns
Documentary | Mexico | 2023 | 98 min | Spanish


After several years, the cult Mexican rock band, San Pascualito Rey, returns to the studio to record their fourth album, Todo Nos Trajo Hasta Hoy, which is an ambitious bet. The group is convinced that they are making the best album in their history. Song by song, the musicians expose their dreams and fears, falling into creative frictions and stretching their ties to the limit. San Pascualito Rey, the creators of the dark Guapachoso sound, have literally left their skin on the asphalt, clinging to achieve something that seems impossible: to survive doing their music.


Yulene Olaizola. Her film, Selva Trágica, premiered in Venice and San Sebastián, and was distributed through Netflix. Rubén Imaz. His debut feature, Familia Tortuga, premiered in San Sebastián and has won a dozen international awards. Luis Flores Rábago. His short film, Carmina, won the award for Best Mexican Film at FICUNAM and Best Short Film at GIFF-Guanajuato.

Ver funciones

Director - Directors
Yulene Olaizola, Rubén Imaz, Luis Flores Rábago
Guión - Screenplay
Productor - Producer
Yulene Olaizola, Rubén Imaz
Música - Music:
San Pascualito Rey
Sonido - Sound:
José Miguel Enríquez
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Yulene Olaizola, Rubén Imaz, Juan Pablo San Román, Paloma Oseguera, Daniel Castro Zimbrón, Luis Flores Rábago, Pedro Adrían Sánchez, Argel Ahumada, Eva Villaseñor, Francisco González Piña, Juan Morales
Edición - Editor:
Yulene Olaizola, Luis Flores Rábago, Rubén Imaz
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Intérpretes - Cast
Pascual Reyes, Luca Ortega, Juan Morales, Alex Otaola
Contacto - Contact