Cuentos Excepcionales de un Equipo Juvenil Femenino: Las Rojas

Exceptional Tales from a Young Female Team: Reds
Fiction | Argentina, Venezuela | 2022 | 14 min | Spanish


Carmen is a practitioner of vaulting (artistic gymnastics with horses) and has a tense relationship with her teammates and trainer who introduce her to a strange rite.


Bachelor in Social Communications and Cinema. In 2015 his short film, Arachnids, premiered in Clermont-Ferrand, followed by many festivals and prizes around the world. In 2017 his first film, Harpoon, premiered at the Warsaw Film Festival, Chicago, Torino, La Havana, Valladolid, Göteburg, and São Paulo. In 2022 his project, Reds, won the INCAA Historias Breves Film Fund to be produced.

Ver funciones

Mexican Premiere

Director - Directors
Tom Espinoza
Guión - Screenplay
Tom Espinoza
Productor - Producer
Nicolás Grosso
Música - Music:
Ismael Pinkler
Sonido - Sound:
Guido Deniro
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Franco D'alessandro
Edición - Editor:
Tom Espinoza
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Victoria Pedemonte
Intérpretes - Cast
Pilar Fridman, Tamara Rocca
Contacto - Contact
Tom Espinoza