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We Will Never Belong
Mexico | 2022 | 90 min | Spanish


Emi, a solitary teenager, is dealing with newfound doubts and resentments due to her mother’s relationship with a woman. Determined to change her circumstances, Emi returns to her hometown, where she lives with her father’s new family and seeks comfort in her grandmother. The arrival of her father’s step-daughter, Gala, immediately seduces Emi and brings about some questioning about her own sexual orientation. This fleeting relationship prepares Emi to heal her relationship with her mother and gives her the strength to move on.


Director, screenwriter and professional tiger. Among her works, is the multi-awarded fiction short film Una pieza para Julia (2017) and his fiction debut film We Will Never Belong stand out, she was awarded with the KINÉ award at the FEMCINE 2021. She has published the fiction novel Aretes de espadas; the novel Cuando Ana despierte and the poetry anthology Volar sin alas.

Ver funciones

Latin American Premiere

Director - Directors
Amelia Eloisa
Guión - Screenplay
Amelia Eloisa
Productor - Producer
Amelia Eloisa
Música - Music:
Sonido - Sound:
Enrique Fernandez
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Diego Caballero
Edición - Editor:
Carlos Espinoza
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Enoé Bejar
Intérpretes - Cast
Adriana Palafox, Magnolia Corona, Verónica Langer, Andrea Portal, Cynthia Bordes, Karina Hurtado, Xésar Tena
Contacto - Contact
Sofia Marquez