
Documentary | Mexico | 2021 | 98 min | Spanish


A man’s journey in which he reunites with the dispersed members of his dysfunctional family and pick up the pieces of his absent father’s story as a failed hitman murdered a few years back in a Mexican border town. While the story of the father takes shape, each family member also shows the behavioral patterns that influenced the father's criminal actions.


His productions have been part of several film festivals across the world, including the Havana Film Festival, and have earned him numerous awards back in Mexico, like the Impulso Morelia Award. He has also participated in several workshops, and residence programmes, such as the IDFA Academy, DocMontevideo and DocuLab. His work is currently dedicated towards gender diversity and social justice.

Ver funciones

Latin American Premiere

Director - Directors
Gian Cassini
Guión - Screenplay
Gian Cassini
Productor - Producer
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (Imcine), Gabriel Guzmán S., Ana Medellín, Gian Cassini
Música - Music:
Galo Durán
Sonido - Sound:
Be Flores
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Iván García
Edición - Editor:
Ana Laura Zerón, Elva Guzmán, Gian Cassini
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Intérpretes - Cast
Contacto - Contact
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (Imcine) - Carlos Miguel Altamirano Allende,
Gabriel Guzmán S. -