
Documentary | Brazil | 2021 | 64 min | Portuguese


Raised only by her mother, the marks of a war that, according to her, never ended, live on her body and her descendants: a war for land. Through reports and writings, the film builds a hybrid narrative that moves between reality and the imaginary. Everything is woven from the memory of Edna and her diary entitled: Historia de mi vida (Story of my Life). A life of battles, disappearances and deforestation, but also of strength in the women, rivers and forests that insist on surviving. A poet transformed into eyes that, despite seeing, cannot speak. She dreams of going from there to a place she does not know where.


Filmmaker born in Brazil. He graduated in 2002 from the Los Baños Film School, in Cuba, where he directed his first feature film: Rocha que Voa. His works went to various prestigious festivals, such as Cannes, Venice, Sundance, New York, Guadalajara and Marseille. Cinema novo (2016), his seventh feature film, received the L'Oeil d'Or award for Best Documentary at the Cannes Film Festival.

Ver funciones

Mexican Premiere

Director - Directors
Eryk Rocha
Guión - Screenplay
Eryk Rocha, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Renato Vallone
Productor - Producer
Eryk Rocha, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha
Música - Music:
Guilherme Kastrup, Manoel Cordeiro, Ava Rocha
Sonido - Sound:
Waldir Xavier, Bernardo Adeodato, Bruno Carneiro da Cunha
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Eryk Rocha, Jorge Chechile
Edición - Editor:
Renato Vallone
Intérpretes - Cast
Edna Rodrigues de Souza, Antonio María Cabral
Contacto - Contact
Taskovski sales@taskovskifilms.com
Aruac Filmes aruacfilmes@gmail.com / margarida@aruacfilmes.com.br / erykrocha@gmail.com