Paco Loco: Viva el Noise

Paco Loco: Viva el Noise
Documentary | Spain | 2020 | 85 min | Spanish


A trip to the depths of the mind of Paco Loco, a key figure in the shaping of Spanish underground music. Producer of more than 800 groups, among which are Enrique Bunbury and Mikel Erentxun, he is also a histrionic and wild musician. The portrait of a fundamental polyhedral character in the musical cultural scene that takes us into his peculiar worldview. Paco does not hide his secret to unleash the beast within him on stage: drinking fresh water.


He established in 2014 his audiovisual firm, Homeless. Since then he has made more than 40 short films and two Internet series. His work plays with different expressions, narratives and formats strongly marked by an experimental eagerness. Paco Loco: Viva el Noise is his first feature-length film as a director.

Ver funciones

International Premiere

Director - Directors
Daniel Cervantes
Guión - Screenplay
Daniel Cervantes, Mikel Gil
Productor - Producer
Juan Cernadas Braza, Irene de Juan-Aracil Parra, Daniel Cervantes, Mikel Gil
Música - Music:
Paco Loco Trío, Los Jaguares de la Bahía, Los Locos, Bart Davenport, Lole y Manuel
Sonido - Sound:
Marta Sánchez, Willy Sánchez de Cos
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Daniel Cervantes, Mikel Gil
Edición - Editor:
Daniel Cervantes
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Intérpretes - Cast
Paco Loco 
Contacto - Contact
Distribution with Glasses