El Show. Crónica de un asesinato

The Show. Chronicle of a Murder
Mexico | 2023 | 62 min | Spanish


The murder of Paco Stanley, one of the most popular comedians on Mexican television, unleashes a series of intrigues in the world of politics and entertainment. Through in-depth research, the use of archives from the time, and the direct testimony of the main parties involved in the case, this documentary series delves into show culture and exposes the lies and tragedies that, unexpectedly, marked the arrival of Mexico's democracy in 2000.


Renowned journalist, writer and cinematographer. He is known for taking his chronicle perspective to the world of cinema. He have been awarded with the National Journalist Prize (Mexico), the Ariel award, and the Literary Arts award, granted by UANL. His most recent book: Mundo Enfermo (Debate); his most recent film: The Mountain (2023), premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival.

Ver funciones

World Premiere

Director - Directors
Diego Enrique Osorno
Guión - Screenplay
Diego Enrique Osorno
Productor - Producer
N+Docs, Carlos Eugenio Sosa Ortiz
Música - Music:
Zulu González, Esteban Aldrete
Sonido - Sound:
Glenda Charles
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Axel Pedraza
Edición - Editor:
Pedro G. García
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Fermín Díaz Rodríguez , Rafael Camacho
Intérpretes - Cast
Juan Vargas Vázquez, Mario Rodríguez Bezares, Eduardo Salazar González, Alejandro Hermenegildo Nava, Álvaro Cueva Cantú, José Tomás Cabello Moreno, Manuel Rodríguez Ajenjo, Luis Alba García
Contacto - Contact
Carlos Eugenio Sosa Ortiz, Genaro Díaz