
Fiction | Mexico | 2023 | 113 min | Spanish, English, French, German


The life of a telephone line told through a chain of 72 phone calls between 60 characters, both national and international. Beginning with a toy telephone that wants to possess the soul of a child, then a sinister German man who breaks down the fourth wall to force a viewer to prevent a French woman from answering the last call of the film, and ending with a psychopath who tries to recover all the belongings seized by the bank and ends up destroying this long chain of phone calls.


He began his film career working as a makeup artist on Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. Following this, he wrote, directed, produced and self-financed his first feature film: Journal d'un Inadapté, in 2015. Since then he has worked as a cinematographer on local feature films and now he’s presenting his second film as a director, Telephone, made with a 3-people crew, including him.

Ver funciones

World Premiere

Director - Directors
Jerzain Ortega
Guión - Screenplay
Jerzain Ortega
Productor - Producer
Jerzain Ortega, Rolando Ruiz
Música - Music:
Jerzain Ortega, Giovanni Delgadillo
Sonido - Sound:
Pablo Emliano
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Jerzain Ortega
Edición - Editor:
Jerzain Ortega
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Jerzain Ortega, Alexa Livier
Intérpretes - Cast
Santiago Águila, Brandon Coleman, Cristóbal Orellana, Liz Sandoval, Alexander Nadler, Jean Baptiste Radigois, Rodrigo Murray, Théo Kausega, Elodie Fallet, Mike Lombard, Hélène Gem, Maurane Sagot
Contacto - Contact
Jerzain Ortega