
Animation | Mexico | 2023 | 11 min | Spanish


Daniel is a boy who travels on a train toward a dark destination. The helplessness and tragedy of the war have turned him into a despondent passenger with no future. His innocence and imagination will be the only momentary escapes from his fatal destiny. The “smoke house” awaits him.


Winner of 4 Ariel Awards and member of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences. She is the director of the short films: El Octavo Día: La CreaciónLluvia en los OjosZimbo y Eclosión. She has specialized as a director of photography, art, and animation in short and feature films. Rita served as Chief of the 2nd. Photography Unit on Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio.

Ver funciones

World Premiere

Director - Directors
Rita Basulto
Guión - Screenplay
Juan J. Medina
Productor - Producer
Juan J. Medina, Rita Basulto, Mariana Méndez, Marc Pannia
Música - Music:
Mario Osuna
Sonido - Sound:
Mario Martínez Cobos
Cinematografía - Cinematography:
Rita Basulto
Edición - Editor:
Héctor Fausto
Dirección de Arte - Production Design:
Rita Basulto
Intérpretes - Cast

Contacto - Contact
Juan Medina